Bertrand Russell

A Conversation with Bertrand Russell (1952)

A (very) Brief History of Bertrand Russell

What is Bertrand Russels Barber Paradox?

Bertrand Russell's Philosophy

Bertrand Russell on his meeting with Vladimir Lenin in 1920

Bertrand Russell Interview on Philosophy (1960)

Noam Chomsky on Bertrand Russell

Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem

Bertrand Russell - Authority and the Individual

Friedrich Nietzsche by Bertrand Russell

My Grandfather Met Napoleon: Bertrand Russell Interview 1952 - Enhanced Video & Audio [60 fps]

Bertrand Russell on Pragmatism

Who Was Bertrand Russell? (Famous Philosopher)

The Full Russell-Copleston Debate on the Existence of God (1948)

Bertrand Russell on Hegel (1957)

Focus On The Truth with Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy - Appearance Vs Reality (Episode 1)

What did Bertrand Russell Think About Buddhism and Christianity

Odifreddi racconta Russell

Bertrand Russell – Der britische Philosoph im Interview auf Deutsch (27.10.1948)

Top 10 Bertrand Russell Quotes on Life

Why I am not a Christian - Bertrand Russell: A Beacon of Reason in Turbulent Times.

Britain's Most Famous Philosopher on Zionism

Bertrand Russell - Durf te Denken